Our Story

Discover the story behind BABYLIMO

I am a parent, same as you. I was a new mum and I know how hard it is to start this journey. How hard it is to choose the right products for your baby and for you. How hard it is to find out all the necessary answers.

That’s why I decided to help other mums. Because I was there. And I probably will be one more time.

I still use our pushchair with my 3.5 year old now. I go jogging, to the beach, I even used it in Santorini, in Greece, it lasted through it all. And still looks as good as new.

We work at Babylimo with masters of design and production. We make sure the aluminum frame is well made, wheels are durable, all with good amortization, so your baby is safe.

We care for your spine, therefore we designed a handle that is comfortable for people of any height. Also, the pram is higher, so new mums don’t need to bend too low to pick up their little one. We are specializing in making your life easier.

We have created a brand that we hope parents will love. We would like our brand to be part of the family, because we believe it stands for everything a pram/ pushchair should be.  We want to create accessories, the second line of prams, and the most important events for parents with prams! We strive to be a cool brand. 🙂 A brand that is reliable and makes your life easier, because we care for your parenthood journey.
